Friday, 14 October 2016

Review: October Drift // This Is Nowhere EP

Softly the sound builds, delicate vocals flow over the top, the sound builds, the drumming gets louder and all of a sudden the twanging riff of the start of October Drift's new EP drops in. The Sheffield band have been crafting a name for themselves over the last year with seeminglessly endless touring and a fantastic reputation to go with it.

Their second EP 'This Is Nowhere' begins with the ambient build of 'Snow Into Dust' which is more of an intro to the next song 'Cherry Red' rather than a stand alone song. 'Cherry Red', however, is wonderfully dark and yet catchy with a strong dominant chorus. It's by far the singalong track on the EP and shows glimpses of the bands potential to be a powerful and individual rock band.

The EP then moves on to 'Cinnamon Girl' which is somewhat similar to 'Cherry Red' and continues to showcase the bands potential. However after several minutes of the same thing it begins to fade into the background and you start to ask for that little bit more.

That little bit more finally arrives with the end of the EP, 'Get With The Times' really highlights October Drift as a band that can slug it out with the big boys. This slower track shows the diversity within the band and their ability to make music at whatever speed and style while still retaining a level of distinction. 'Get With The Times' at this point seems less of a song title and more of a message to those other acts following templates of what came before to make something new.



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